Will the desktop become a dinosaur? Some experts say “yes”. With all of the new technology today between laptops, smartphones, tablets and applications such as Cloud Computing, the desktop will no longer be useful to most.
Personal computers have dropped significantly in price so have the sales because of the surge in laptop purchases because the price of laptops has also decreased. They are no long just a luxury for CEO’s and traveling executives which is why so many more people are opting to skip the big and bulky desktop purchase and go straight to the laptop.
And let’s not forget about the Smartphones and Tablets of the world as well. Smartphones and tablets are taking the IT world by storm with their size and ease of use. More and more people are using them as their primary connectivity to the internet.
It is hard to say if the desktop will become extinct (maybe irrelevant) in the future but it will certainly become less of a tool as most work and communication will be done by use of a laptop, smartphone or tablet.