Telecommuting: Providing Green for the environment and Green for your Wallet

Green Thinking

The latest way to be a responsible and a profitable green company is to telecommuting. Most jobs involve an employee sitting in front of a computer instant messaging, emailing, or calling employees that are down the hall or in the next cubicle over, all of this can be done from home minus the employee distractions that slowly cost a company money. The investment on telecommuting is minimal but the returns are beneficial to an employer, an employee, and the environment.

As an employer you would like to attract and retain loyal talent. Employees with a telecommuting benefit have more family time which leads to less stress and better productivity which equals savings to the employer. In a 2008 survey by Computing Technology Industry Association (Comp TIA), 67 percent of respondents said their organizations were productive thanks to part-time and full-time telecommuting. You also have a chance to tap into hidden talent which may not have been available before (mothers with young children, handicapped, people living in remote areas).

In a survey taken by Treehugger.com, employees were still willing to take a 10% pay cut to work from home even through a tough economy. Just think, 10% of a $50,000 salary equals a company saving of $5,000, and this isn’t even including savings due to sick days, emergencies, weather related impairments, and electricity costs! Employees don’t feel the full brunt of the loss either, the average savings to the employee can be from $2,500 – $11,000 in transportation, lunch, daycare and other expenses. A happy employee is a profitable employee!

A profitable employee makes for a profitable business. Unscheduled absences due to weather, health, and family issues cost an employer $1,800 a year per employer and 25% of traffic accidents occur on a daily commute to work. Think of a small business with 10 employees-that is a loss of $18,000 per year.

Along with payroll savings, the office environment can be leaned down providing additional funds for other investments. Telecommuting reduces office-based consumption because the telecommuter is bearing the energy cost for remote office equipment. Telecommuting can also reduce the amount of actual office space needed and office supplies ordered.

Importantly, Telecommuting is green and Going Green is one of the hottest trends widespread, as it should be. If everyone who had the opportunity to telecommute could, we as a society could save 9.7 billion gallons of gas, which in turn would save 84 million tons of toxic greenhouse gases a year! Less traffic congestion equals fewer emissions to deteriorate the ozone. Both customers and employees are demanding a greener business lifestyle and telecommuting is an effective way to Go Green and benefit the employee, your business and Mother Nature.

Telecommuting is a minimal investment with high returns. Companies that incorporate Telecommuting have happier and loyal employees, which in turn have a higher productivity rate that also reduces overhead and maximizes profit. Most importantly you are making an impact on the environment-which might be the most enduring advantage of all.

Spaulding Hill Communications would like to help you Go Green by providing IP accessories for your employee’s virtual offices. Please contact us at 1-866-441-7469 to find out more.

Posted on March 10, 2010 in Green Business

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