Posts Tagged:VoIP

Spaulding Hill Networks LLC partners with Zultys

Press Release For Immediate Release Spaulding Hill Networks LLC partners with Zultys Helping businesses profit through Unified Communications. Nashua, NH June 11, 2013:  Today, Spaulding Hill Networks, LLC announced their plan to partner with Zultys to deliver feature-rich IP PBX telephony solutions to companies of all sizes. Under the partnership, Spaulding Hill Networks LLC will…

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Set your business free with Cloud Collaboration

Cloud collaboration can be defined as using technology such as instant messaging, email, web conferencing, blogs, private and public social networks, wiki’s and VoIP to create a more lean and profitable business.

How VoIP can transform your business

Voice over Internet Protocol systems provide a method in which data and voice can be delivered through one network via the Internet. VoIP devices are user friendly, with intuitive user interfaces allowing anyone in your organization to understand and use these systems.

How to create a successful Teleworker

Teleworking is highly impactful to the efficiency of an organizations infrastructure and it’s benefits on the environment range from less traffic on the roads to less office space needed. With proper training and equipment, management should feel confident in their teleworkers.

Why SIP?

It has never been more important for businesses to stay current with technology, especially with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and other cutting-edge communication networks on the market. The tricky part is identifying technologies that not only enhance communication, but also present opportunities to maximize profits. One such option is to implement an SIP trunk…

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