Microsoft Exchange is a powerful contact management system for businesses of any size. This platform is popular among business executives because of its familiarity and productivity capabilities. Google’s solution called Google Apps has become an alternative but Microsoft Exchange is still the dominant platform.
Microsoft Exchange can be self hosted by a business but this generally requires IT staff as well as expensive servers and equipment. Using the cloud to host Exchange allows for all of the benefits of the platform but less cost to manage it.
Reasons to chose Cloud Exchange:
Access anywhere
The main benefit of using a cloud Exchange system is that it gives employees easy access to accounts from many devices. You can set up access to contacts, calendars, and email for PCs, web browsers, and mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Cloud vendors can provide administrative tasks such as setting up and monitoring these devices.
Different forms of security can be included and managed by your cloud Exchange provider. Updates such as patches and service packs can be automatically installed to ensure the latest security threats are resolved. Filtering and anti-spam can also be included in these services to prevent employees from receiving malicious emails that contain viruses or phishing tools.
One issue with a locally hosted Exchange environment is growth. As a company grows it will need more employees and also send/receive more communications, this could result in buying more servers and storage. Hosting Exchange in the cloud allows storage capacity to easily be added as the needs of your business increase. You also have the ability to downgrade as less space is needed during slow business periods.
Looking for more information about Cloud Exchange hosting for your business?